Medium Cancels My Fauci Post.

Jim Kavanagh
3 min readOct 27, 2022


I received the following email from Medium, notifying me they were removing my article on Anthony, Fauci (Devil’s Advocate: Farewell to Fauci, also posted on my Substack). When I click on it in my Stories list, I get the following message: “This story is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules. Edit story”

I was surprised, since Medium had published what I consider more controversial posts of mine without objection, including my adamantly anti-mandate article ( Danger to Society: Against Vaccine Passports). Medium has also been the outlet that launched the fiercely anti-establishment voice of Caitlin Johnstone into prominence. But I guess the good doctor is just sacrosanct.

I sent the following response:

I am disappointed and confused by your removal of my article, “Devil’s Advocate: Farewell to Fauci.” Did someone make a complaint about it, or was this your spontaneous action?

Please indicate specifically what in this piece violates your rules.

This article is comprised of Anthony Fauci’s own statements, It gives a critical take, based on those statements. It does not threaten harm to anybody or anything. It is, in fact, less controversial than other things I have published on Medium. (Which makes me suspect you are reacting to a complaint by some Fauci fan.)

Are you now taking the position that any criticism of Anthony Fauci is too “harmful” to publish? If so, please state that publicly and explicitly, so everyone will know that is your editorial policy. I can think of no other reason that you would remove this article. Removing it without explaining specifically what in it violates what specific policy is a blatant example of cowardly censorship whose only purpose is to protect official policy and policymakers.

Please restore this essay, and your own credibility.

That was sent at the end of October. I have had no response. I invite you to read my article and take a look at the Medium Rules, and let me know if you think my piece violated any of them. I also invite you to let Medium know if you agree with me that this action undermines their credibility.

Let’s see what happens to this post.

Like Facebook and Twitter, it seems, Medium will cancel anything it feels like, taking no responsibility to inform the author specifically why. Another example of arbitrary, ridiculous, censorship, for the sake of protecting sacrosanct establishment narratives and heroes.

Meanwhile, I was pleased to see that Dr. Robert Malone liked my comment on his substack on Fauci (Fauci News You Can Use). I hope that means he read and liked my post, too.

Originally published at on October 27, 2022.



Jim Kavanagh

Former college professor,. Political and cultural analysis from a left-socialist perspective. Twitter:ThePolemicist_